
Suzana Varvarica Kuka

The statement of the great Picasso that "Different subjects call for different manners of expression" is very important in the case of painter Pashk Pervathi. Seen in this angle, Pervathi accepts that "My landscapes are not like they are in existence, as they are photographed, but just like I conceive them in my thoughts". This way of thinking probably marked a turning point in the creativity of the artist probably in the year 1990 when he was on the beautiful coast of Himara and he framed a mosaic of little stones. He painted this image and it turned into his first tableau called the "The Little Stones". It was well received in the artistic circles at the time so he guards it fanatically in his studio. The painting led the following creations of Pervathi towards decoration painting. His solutions were seemingly simple but his colour gained clarity and quality. This constitutes the main quality of the creativity of the painter in this period. His painting came through cycles illustrating subjects from the experience of the author. The cycles of little stones, hills, flowers and boats are objects of daily life. To the author, they are not just something of superior importance but extremely special since he feels too strongly about them. Once he has discovered the objects, he uses them as artistic coincidences, adopting his own figurative position of colours playing among themselves as they combine with each other while clashing. In such cases, they are sometimes perfectly combined and border on harmony while at other times seem not to care and yell loudly over a big surface, causing a conflict. However, the painting of Pashk Pervathi is decorative. It invites colour to be in full contrasts. It is important this has become an attitude of the painter to search an individual and outstanding personality.

Suzana Varvarica Kuka
Art Scholar, National Gallery of Arts, Tirana